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How to Write a Successful Scholarship Application Letter

So many scholars are still uncertain about how to write a good scholarship letter? If you are among them, worry no more, we are Scholarsguideng.com and you are in the right place. In this article, we will teach you how to write excellent scholarship application letter with ease.

What is scholarship application letter?

It is no longer news that so many scholarship applicants stay mute when asked, sometimes, unexpectedly during a scholarship interview, the meaning of scholarship application letter. Should you get jammed with such, do not shiver, do not even allow stage fright to near you. Calmly and politely answer: “a scholarship application letter is a cover letter that indicates applicant’s interest in a scholarship stressing the ways in which the scholarship if awarded would assist him achieve his personal and professional goals”. You may further put that it is requesting scholarship consideration.

Scholarship application letter is requested among other important documents by a scholarship schemes or committee. The essence of this letter is to convince the committee that the concerned applicant is really eligible for the scholarship.

Parts of a scholarship application letter

Like other letters, scholarship application letter also has its own parts. While drafting an application letter, caution is being taken in order to maintain high sense of professionalism. The letter must be crafted in a well structured manner. A scholarship application letter has the following parts:

1. First Part

  • Contact Information
  • Self Introduction and a Milestone achievement

2. Middle Part

  • Key details of you and reasons you must be chosen
  • Expression of passion and reason why you want the scholarship

3. Last Part

  • Call to action paragraph
  • Best Regards

Contact information

The contact information of the sender and the receiver also seen in scholarship application letter just like every formal letter. The name, street address, telephone and email of the sender are written at the right side. While the name of the organization, street address and zip code are placed on the left side immediately below the last line of the writer’s address when writing any scholarship application letter.

Self introduction and a milestone achievement

First impression they say matters a lot and so is the first paragraph of a scholarship application letter. The first paragraph should indicate your zeal and your understanding of having such an award. It would whet the appetite of the reader. Start with a significant academic achievement that shows how much you value the particular course of study you are applying to study.

Key details about yourself and reasons for you must be chosen

Your scholarship application letter should entail relevant information about your achievements, the role models you look up to, your struggles to attain the scholarship and the victory you would achieve for getting this scholarship. You must convince the scholarship committee through your application letter on why they must choose you for the scholarship.

Expression of your passion

Here, the committee wants to encounter your zeal in attaining the scholarship and perhaps the sacrifices you must have made. This does not mean that you would be sounding so desperate. You are expected to express how much you want the award in a very constructive and persuasive manner.

Call to action

In your application letter, a call to action paragraph is the last but not the least important. You would be happy if the committee calls you back. You have to express your gratitude in anticipation of the call back. Then ask for a meeting arrangement and leave a notable impression that you have more to discuss with committee.

Know how to write a good job application Letter.

Format for scholarship application letter

It is important to know that the content of your letter is as important as the structure of the letter, therefore, the format has to be set in a way that the content edible and appealing for reader’s consumption. The following guidelines are the most acceptable for scholarship application letter writing:

  • Use the correct spacing of 1 or 1.5.
  • Do not be tempted to use justification. Left side align is easy on the eye.
  • There should be one – inch margins for some white space and friendly impression.
  • Use double spacing between your paragraphs.
  • Fonts like Calibri, Arial and Times New Roman are welcome (12 Times New Roman font is mostly recommended).

What you should not include in your scholarship application letter

As someone seeking scholarship assistance, you must be certain that you write only within the context needed of you. Here are some temptations you must avoid in your application letter:

1. Do not include your weaknesses

In your application letter, your strengths, achievements and skills are the most important things needed. Do not venture into explaining your weaknesses for this is not the right places for that. Furnish your letter with examples of your strengths, achievements and skills.

2. Avoid informal tone in your letter

You may in the process of trying to appeal to the committee’s heart, be tempted to shift to an informal. Do not allow that happen. Resist that temptation. Your letter must be precise, clear and formal.

3. Do not submit your letter without proofreading it

In a letter of interest for scholarship, it is essential that you check for grammatical errors and rectify them. To get this properly, after proofreading your letter, ask someone to read it, and thereafter proofread again.

4. Do not add unnecessary information

Avoid the risk adding much details of yourself. Only be concerned vital information that are necessary for the purpose of the scholarship. Details such as height, family tree or any other irrelevant information are not needed and should be avoided.

5. Do not hide your need for financial assistance

Expressing your need for financial assistance should not be seen as an act of desperation, but do that within limit. The essence of you seeking scholarship award is your inability to pay your fees and fund your education fully. A scholarship award is meant to alleviate a financial burden and asking for financial assistance is highly expected upon application. Remember to add how beneficial the organization’s financial help would be to you and as well how you can contribute to the larger society through your profession.

With the guidelines and tips, we can validly say that you have no other choice than to succeed in your scholarship journey. We are sure you can write your scholarship application letter confidently. See a scholarship application letter sample here.

You may now apply for Chancellor’s Scholarship and Study in UWE, Bristol.


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